Best: E // OK: ESE and NW
The Jogledalen is a narrow valley and hence the wind is both local and locally reinforced. This does not make for the easiest conditions around, but I had good sessions there on NW wind which is suprising given the orientation of the valley. The wind increases as you kite up the valley. The spot has been included in the spotlist as one can access the good terrain on top Hilleknuten from here and also can use it as a throughway to the turist huts around Rosskrepfjorden. Additionally the spot is in easy reach from the car park. On easterly winds I have seen up to two times atmospheric yr forecast wind in the valley itself.
Medium - Advanced
The valley offers fun riding for people who know what they are doing and have kites with good depower. Especially in the western part of the valley the open slopes invite to cruise around and jump a bit. Isolated shrubs provide visibility also when the light is rather flat.
Half way up the valley one can on SE winds attempt to summit Hilleknuten (mind the wind differentials) via the Sandtjødndalen. Careful routing is necessary to avoid some of the steepest and avalanche prone areas. The views on top and the big powdery valleys reward for the effort though.
For top tour skiers it is also possible to take the Fidjeland ski lift to the top and then climb with skins another 200 meters before kiteable terrain is reached. This route can be attempted on NW winds but requires skill and high depower kites.
The Jogledalen is gusty on SE winds. The Hilleknuten route is only advisable for advanced riders. Check the avalanche risk maps and work as a team.
Getting there:
Either park at the beginning of the langrenn løype into the Jogledalen (may be private parking) or park at the ski lift and buy a lift ticket for Fidjeland. From there you can drop down into the valley to avoid any walking. Equally you can ascend towards Hilleknuten from the top of the lift.