… a kiters paradise
Hovden is in my opinion by far the best kiting destination in southern Norway outside the Hardanger Vidda and its promoteries like Lufsja /Småroi. The weather is more stable here than on the western side of the mountains and the winds are a bit more tamed. Hovden has aside from some decent alpine skiing and excellent cross country runs very easy access to vast stretches of kiting terrain offering smooth rides, lovely powder bowls, back country exploration and lots of terrain to jump from and to trick with.
All wind directions work here and in days with poor visibility there are lots of low lying shrubs /tree areas where kiting is still fun even though the light is otherwise completely flat. Outside the ski slope there is magic back country terrain that can be accessed from the RV9 road. Unfortunately parking places along the road are scarce in high sow winters.
Surprisingly the most I have seen were 5 simultaneous kiters in Hovden so it virtually never gets crowded and the skiers are still surprised when they see somebody kiting.
There is lots of accommodation on Hovden.no, finn.no and Airbnb to be found and should there be no wind whatsoever the downhill tree run skiing can be fun. Its only 45 minutes from Haukeliseter in case you rather kite with lots of others on a gusty, frozen lake and enjoy a hot tub in the evening