Good: Westerly and Northerlies. Doable to poor: Easterlies
Park at the car park. Observe the wind for at least 10 minutes. If reasonably stable you can kite here. Gusts are to be expected. On days with poor atmospheric winds the wind can be on and off the whole time. Don't be fooled by the gusts.
This spot is for advanced tree riding and easy access. You likely can gain higher ground (especially if you kite up on the x country tacks) but you can also mess around in the trees next to the road. You can even kite at night here due to the road lights and and moon. Good on days with flat light. Can have magic powder. If you want a little bit less trees and an easier ride, head north to the Galten parking and launch where indicated on the map.
Trees, trees, and some bigger trees. Pack a pocketknife and or an inflatable chainsaw in case you park your kite in the tree...
Getting there & away
Park at the Hovden North dagsparkering.